Breakthrough San Francisco

Teaching Fellow

June - August 2017 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

It provided full-time teaching experience for a relatively short period of time (9 weeks), which allowed me to explore the teaching profession to see if it was the right fit for me. The other teachers and administration were incredibly supportive and it was great to work with a staff that was passionate about education reform. The students themselves were highly motivated and excited to learn.

What I wish was different

I wish the hours were shorter given that the days were rather long. However, I understand that my experience at Breakthrough is similar to what a regular teacher would experience.


Ask for help when you need it! It can be difficult to do things on your own, but people want to help you succeed and will support you in any way the can.
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Teaching Fellow

June - August 2018 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

The internship provided real classroom teaching experience with teachers and students who enjoyed being there. We received a lot of feedback and were able to improve within a short period of time.

What I wish was different

The amount of work is a lot and it can be overwhelming at times. However, many alumni from the program say that it's incredibly helpful in preparing you for an actual teaching position in the future.


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Teaching Fellow

June - August 2018 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Being a San Francisco native, working at BTSF showed me a whole new side of SF education. I got to work with students from all different schools; charter, Catholic, public, and private. It was inspiring to see students of all different backgrounds, neighborhoods, races, religions, etc. all gather together everyday for the same purpose. Each of these students made the exact same commitment to Breakthrough so that they could get to college and receive an education that no one could take away from them. Even if other elements in their lives are unstable, Breakthrough provides an unfaltering community that these students can fall back on, and I was so honored to have been let into this community this summer.

What I wish was different

The hours were very, very long and the job required the most work I've ever done. While Breakthrough did articulate this to me, I didn't truly realize that "long hours" meant some 12-14 hour days.


If anyone is looking to do meaningful work during their summer, I 10/10 recommend this experience.
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