Emerson Collective

About Emerson Collective

We are an organization dedicated to creating pathways to opportunity so people can live to their full potential. We center our work on education, immigration reform, the environment, health, with justice as our goal. We use a wide range of tools and strategies — partnering with entrepreneurs and experts, makers and policymakers, advocates, and creatives — to build and execute innovative solutions that will spur change and promote equality.


Software Engineer Intern

June 2022 - August 2022 Palo Alto, CA
“Dedicated mentors and a lot of activities to participate in. Great location, great housing experience.”

Digital Intern

June 2021 - August 2021 Palo Alto, CA
“They flew us out to Palo Alto, California for the summer. The work that I did was fulfilling knowing that I was helping participate in a great cause. Over the weekends, we would do fun excursions and explore the Bay Area. The most memorable experience I had there was going to a San Francisco Giants baseball game with my coworkers, and we got great seats! ”
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