Hiram House Camp

Camp Counselor

June - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

I got to work outdoors and with kids all summer. Everyday was full of fun stories and surprises and bunch of great co counselors to laugh about our struggles with.

What I wish was different

The pay was low, as is typical for a camp counselor position. It also acts like a full time job, it takes up all your time.


Take the chance, while your in college, to have an experience like this. There is pressure to get an internship but something like this is unbelievably fulfilling. It has given me an entirely new perspective on how I want to live in the future and what is important to me.
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Challenge Course Specialist

June - August 2018 • Moreland Hills, OH

What I liked

I loved my coworkers and the enthusiasm of the children. I ran one of the more exclusive activities at the camp (the high ropes course) and only children 10 and older could participate. If they had attended camp in prior years, they longed to go on the ropes course once they reached ten. My coworkers and I became very close friends and stay in touch even now.

What I wish was different


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