NAU School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems

About NAU School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems

SICCS will focus on four areas of strategic growth that represent 21st century challenges in the areas of informatics, computing, and cyber systems:

- Cybersecurity, including scalable trustworthy systems, data provenance, situational under-standing and attack awareness, next-generation defensive measures, mobile and cloud security, and usable security;

- Heterogenous and reconfigurable systems, including software engineering methodologies, self-* systems and frameworks, machine learning and inference, and distributed and decentralized systems;

- Cyber-physical systems, including large-scale wireless and sensor networks, decentralized architectures, ubiquitous computing, and application areas such as smart cities and wearable healthcare devices;

- Big Data and data science, including data mining and machine learning, high-performance and cloud computing, natural language processing, data visualization, and application areas such as bioinformatics, population health, and environmental informatics.


Student Researcher

April 2018 - July 2018 Flagstaff, AZ
“I enjoyed being able to learn more about control systems through working hands on with new technologies and understanding complex software.”
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